5 Tips to Avoid Having a Dirty E-Rig

Did you know that an e-rig can be a gamechanger if you’re used to using the more traditional analog dab rig setup? Bringing advanced technology to your dabbing hobby, it can make your life a lot easier by delivering precise temperatures, sublime airflow and better assurance that you will enjoy only the most luscious flavor and smoothest draws time and time again. But even the most highly rated e-rig on the market can deliver a disappointing experience, especially if it’s not being maintained to keep it from getting dirty.

How Does an E-Rig Become Dirty in the First Place?

An e-rig device, used for vaporizing concentrates, can become dirty through several mechanisms such as:

  1. Residual Concentrates: After vaporization, not all of the concentrate is fully vaporized, leaving behind a sticky residue. This can build up over time on the atomizer, nail, and other internal components.
  2. Reclaim: This is the leftover concentrate that doesn't vaporize completely and condenses back into a sticky substance. Reclaim can accumulate in the water chamber, downstem, and other parts of the device.
  3. Airborne Particles: Dust and other airborne particles can settle on the exterior and interior surfaces of the e-rig, especially if it's not stored in a clean environment.
  4. Spills and Leaks: During use, some concentrate may spill or leak, adding to the buildup of sticky residue inside and outside the device.
  5. Water Contamination: If the e-rig has a water filtration component, the water can become contaminated with reclaim and other residues, leading to a dirty water chamber and tubing.
  6. Neglected Maintenance: Regular maintenance and cleaning are crucial. Without it, residue and reclaim can harden, making the device dirtier over time.
  7. High Heat and Combustion Byproducts: While e-rigs are designed to vaporize rather than combust, high heat settings or improper use can lead to partial combustion, creating ash and other byproducts that contribute to dirtiness.

Why Might a Dirty E-Rig Become a Major Problem Sooner Rather Than Later?

You may think that a dirty e-rig is simply an aesthetic problem, but it’s a lot more than that. And even still, it’s just not that appealing to dab out of a rig that’s turned yellow or brown and has a layer of gunk on the inside from lots of past dabbing sessions.

More importantly, a dirty e-rig can really interfere with your ability to enjoy your concentrates to their fullest potential. It’s likely that you go to some decent lengths to get your hands on the highest-quality concentrates that you can find. If you’re dabbing them using a dirty e-rig, you will just never be able to enjoy them to their fullest potential, because the vapor is running through stale, crusty residue on the inside walls, carrying that flavor into each puff of vapor. Not only that, but dirty water in your rig is gonna take away from the fresh taste of your dabs.

A dirty e-rig can even have airflow problems if the residue on the inside accumulates enough. Plus, it can cause a harsh inhale that makes you cough because what you’re inhaling is some of that burnt gunk on the inside.

What Can You Do Then to Keep Your E-Rig Clean?

Maintaining cleanliness involves regular cleaning of the atomizer, chamber, and water filtration system, as well as changing the water frequently. Proper maintenance ensures optimal performance and extends the lifespan of the e-rig.

Tip #1: Replace the Water Regularly

The water in your e-rig should ultimately be cleaned between each use. We know that may sound excessive but trust us – it’s worth it. Otherwise, your concentrates aren’t passing through fresh water, and so you’re going to get a stale taste. If you’re choosing the most flavorful concentrates you can find, you’ll never be able to enjoy them to the fullest if your water isn’t clean. Replacing the water is quick and easy, and something you should get into the habit of. Besides that, failing to change the water frequently enough can discolor the inside of your rig.

Tip #2: Give Your E-Rig a Thorough Cleaning

About once a week, you will need to clean your e-rig entirely, by taking it apart and washing each piece that can be washed. As for the non-electric components, you can soak them in a solution of water, salt and isopropyl alcohol for about 2 hours, which will lift away the residue inside so you can wipe it clean. The electric components can be wiped down to avoid getting them wet.

Tip #3: Avoid Scorching

If you try to dab at an unreasonably high temperature (over 800 degrees or so), you risk chazzing your banger, which means that it gets burnt to the point of turning dark brown or black, and also cannot be returned to its original clear state. While the banger will continue to perform just fine, it will look permanently dirty.

Tip #4: Manage That Reclaim

Reclaim is the little glob of concentrate oil that goes back into the e-rig when you go to take a dab hit. These oil globs can cause clogs in some cases, and otherwise make your device dirty. One simple solution to this issue is to invest in a reclaim catcher, which is an inexpensive, detachable component that catches the reclaim so you can remove it and reuse it as desired. It makes the practice of cleaning your rig a whole lot easier.

Tip #5: Just Keep Your E-Rig Clean When You’re Not Using it

In general, you should treat your e-rig well when it’s not in use, in terms of how you store it and travel with it. Don’t leave it outdoors, and also store it in a way that it won’t get dirty. Keep it free of dust, and make sure to handle it with clean hands. Consider getting some kind of case or pouch for it when you do store it, to make sure that debris doesn’t get in there.

A Clean E-Rig is a Fully-Functioning E-Rig

No doubt, an e-rig is incredibly technologically advanced compared to a conventional dab rig, but it still requires the same level of care in order to keep it clean. While cleaning may seem like a hassle, this advice we shared with you today could go a long way to give you the most satisfying dab hits possible, and none of the tips actually take all that much time or effort. Besides, nobody wants to look at a dirty dab rig when they’re ready to enjoy some fresh and simply amazing concentrates. So, once again, regular cleaning and maintenance are essential to keep an e-rig functioning properly, and to ensure the best flavor and efficiency.

Sep 14, 2024 David Nadel

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