A Simple List of Do’s and Don’ts For Using Kratom

Are you new to the world of kratom? If so, you might feel overwhelmed with the enormous amount of information that’s out there when it comes to its effects, its safety, how to take it, proper dosing, and so on. Kratom is a plant-based substance that’s only recently made its way into the mainstream, and it doesn’t help that there’s a good deal of incorrect information about it floating around the internet.

To make the process of starting a kratom routine simpler, simply follow the basic do’s and don’ts of kratom use to ensure that you end up with the most effective experience possible.

Do’s You Need to Know

Do Start Slow as a Beginner

One of the most important rules you can follow is that of starting slow as a beginner. Kratom can be quite a powerful plant thanks to its alkaloids which are ultimately psychoactive. Taking too much as a beginner can overwhelm the system and cause an unpleasant experience. Any good company will offer some type of dosage guide on the label that takes into account the low tolerance of a newbie.

Do Check Up on Your State’s Kratom Laws Before Buying

Kratom laws vary between different states, as some states have banned the plant and others have not. Also, some states have a minimum age requirement for purchase. Look up your state’s kratom laws to make sure that you can purchase it legally, knowing that state laws on kratom use can change at any time.

Do Your Research Beforehand

Before taking kratom for the first time, do some research. Learn about the different strains, dosage amounts, delivery methods and so on, to have a clear idea as to how you can best take it to reach your personal goals. There are all kinds of different kratom products on today’s market, and different products can provide different properties to the body that may or may not align with your needs. Furthermore, learning as much as you can about kratom will help you when it’s time to take it. By then, you’ll have a better understanding of what you can do to increase the likelihood of a fully effective kratom experience catered to what it is that you want out of the plant.

Do Let Your Doctor Know You’re Taking It

We always recommend that you let your doctor know that you’re taking kratom. If taking any prescription meds, this is particularly crucial to ensure that there is no interaction. A physician should always be aware of what it is that you’re taking on a regular basis. Also, tell them whether or not you are experiencing any side effects as a result of taking kratom.

Don’ts You Need to Know

Don’t Mix Kratom with Alcohol or Drugs (Including Prescription Drugs)

Kratom acts similarly to opioids and seems to interact with certain substances in an identical manner in which opioids do. Mixing kratom with substances that slow down breathing, such as alcohol and benzodiazepines, may be especially dangerous as it can seriously impair the nervous system. Overall, if you’re taking drugs of any kind, you should do some research to see whether or not they interact with kratom in any sort of way.

Don’t Give Kratom to Children or Animals

Kratom should never be given to children or pets, whose nervous systems simply can’t tolerate its effects. Both children and pets can have very dangerous reactions to kratom, even in what you may consider to be low dosage amounts. If there’s no law in your state that requires a certain age a person must be to purchase kratom, assume that it’s only advisable for adults.

Don’t Settle for the Cheapest Kratom You Can Find

Kratom is not terribly expensive, but there will still be plenty of people who are on a budget and are seeking out the most “affordable” kratom possible. Just be aware that if a certain company is offering kratom that’s far cheaper than the market average, it’s likely sold at such a low price for a reason. The cheapest kratom you encounter could very well be diluted, or of a lower quality grade in terms of the plant. With kratom, you tend to get what you pay for.

Don’t Take a Large Dose to Test Your Limits

Knowing that kratom has psychoactive properties which are dose-dependent, there may be people out there who wish to take a high amount of it solely for recreational purposes, to see how high they can get off of it. We absolutely do not recommend this, as someone with a low tolerance can end up with side effects from taking too much kratom in a short period of time.

Don’t Attempt to Buy Kratom from an Unlicensed Source

Never, ever buy kratom from an unreputable, unlicensed source, especially on platforms such as Amazon, eBay, Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, etc. In fact, buying kratom through the black market is a very dangerous idea as it’s all too likely to encounter fake kratom, or kratom that has been cut with an undisclosed substance. Stick to businesses that are licensed to sell kratom instead.

Bottom Line: Follow the Rules to Ensure the Most Positive Kratom Experience Possible

Kratom is a unique substance that requires special consideration when a person is planning to take it. Because we desire that everyone who takes kratom has a positive experience with it, we encourage you to consider all of these rules very carefully. This will reduce the risk of any unwanted side effects, while ensuring that you are more likely to get the specific results that you’re looking for.

Mar 26, 2023 David Nadel

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