Can CBG Help with Daytime Energy?

A lot of us are starting to embrace other cannabinoids in the hemp plant, having found a lot of success with cannabidiol (CBD), hemp’s dominant chemical compound. The hemp plant is, in fact, rich in over 100 individual cannabinoids, and a current favorite among hemp users is cannabigerol (CBG), a cannabinoid precursor that is eventually converted into both CBD and THC. CBG is not as abundant in the hemp plant as CBD, but it can be extracted and concentrated, allowing us to take higher strengths of this compound to experience its unique effects.

One thing that we hear countless times from cannabigerol users is that they feel as though they’re more focused, motivated and energized after taking it, which is fascinating considering the association with sleep that so many other cannabinoids have. So, can CBG actually give you an energy boost, and if so, what properties of the cannabinoid are responsible?

Cannabinoids and Energy Levels

It’s no surprise that cannabinoids in general can have an impact regarding energy levels. Cannabinoids are compounds that attach themselves to cannabinoid receptors (CB receptors) located in each system of the body, which triggers regulatory effects that keep bodily processes in balance. One of many processes that may be affected by cannabinoids is energy levels, which is primarily a process of the nervous system where we find a multitude of cannabinoid receptors.

Certain cannabinoids may be more impactful on energy levels than others, based on the cannabinoid receptors that they have an affinity for. This also explains why some cannabinoids can make us feel sleepier at bedtime, while others are, according to some users, capable of delivering a boost.

Does CBG Have Stimulating Properties?

Cannabigerol is a unique cannabinoid in its properties, and most people take it regularly in hopes of experiencing an anti-inflammatory effect due to its preference for CB2 receptors in the immune system. But, the more people try CBG, the more we hear that it helps with daytime energy levels.

Studies on cannabigerol are sadly limited compared to studies on CBD and THC, which are much more prominent in the cannabis plant. This means that there have been no studies done specifically on cannabigerol’s relationship to the body’s energy supply. As of now, it does not seem that CBG has specific stimulating properties inherent in its molecular composition, and the only cannabinoid thus far that has been researched to show specific stimulating effects if THC.

But, if that’s the case, why do so many people feel invigorated after taking CBG? Well, it may have to do with CBG’s relationship with anandamides, which is a relationship that has been studied in the past. Research has shown that cannabinoid administration prior to exercise can improve performance by boosting motivation, concentration and even physical energy levels, and the belief is that this comes from the fact that certain cannabinoids stimulate anandamide production. Anandamides are fatty acid neurotransmitters that may encourage the nervous system to enable the body to engage in more mental and physical activity, which isn’t the same as a stimulant, but is capable of supporting our natural energy homeostasis throughout the day. In other words, cannabinoids taken during the daytime may naturally push the body to increase its energy and focus levels during the hours during which humans are biologically programmed to be the most active.

Again, no studies have been done specifically on cannabigerol and energy levels, but as of now, there’s enough anecdotal evidence from daily users that using CBD for energy may be worth a shot.

What You Need to Know About Taking CBG for Improved Daytime Energy

Cannabigerol is a nontoxic, non-psychoactive derivative of the hemp plant that can be purchased in various forms here at The Calm Leaf, including Edibles, Capsules, Tinctures, Vapes, and even Flower strains that have been specially bred to contain higher-than-average levels of the cannabinoid. Overall, if you’re hoping to get some extra energy out of your CBG routine, try these simple tips, as that way, you can hopefully maximize your overall results using this cannabinoid.

Tip #1: Try a Strain-Specific CBG Product

First, consider a CBG product that comes in a sativa strain. Vape oils and flower are more likely to come in a wide variety of strain options from which you can choose. Specifically, sativa strains of the hemp plant are associated with more uplifting, energizing effects, while indica strains are more mellowing. A sativa strain will combine CBG with specific hemp terpenes that may give you the effect of a subtle boost in both focus and physical energy.

Tip #2: Be Mindful of the Milligram Strength

Of course, experiencing the desired effects of hemp always depends on how much you take, which is why with any CBG product, you should be mindful of its milligram strength that tells you how many milligrams of active compounds you are consuming. CBG products can be taken in milligram strength amounts comparable to CBD, which means that 33 milligrams or so is perfect for a tincture, with 25 milligrams or so being great for an edible, and a couple of puffs off of a vape or of flower being a solid serving.

Tip #3: The Delivery Method Determines the Outcome

Lastly, how you experience the potential energizing effects of CBG depends largely on the delivery method. For instance, edibles can take up to 2 hours to kick in, although the effects can last through the afternoon hours. Vaping, meanwhile, offers effects that are fast-acting, short-lived and capable of delivering more potent properties.

CBG: A Natural Way to Feel More Productive?

While the jury is still out on whether or not cannabigerol actually possesses energy-boosting properties, there’s a reason why so many users do report that they experience a feeling of invigoration after consuming the cannabinoid. Therefore, you can find ways to incorporate CBG into your daily routine to explore these potential properties for yourself. Note that CBG can be taken along with CBD and other cannabinoids, so if you’re already taking another type of hemp product, there’s no reason why you can’t add CBG into your regimen.

Jan 21, 2024 David Nadel

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