Delta 10 is the insanely popular new cannabinoid available on the market. Similar to Delta 8 and Delta 9 THC for its mind and body effects, Delta 10 is the uplifting side of it all. Each vape disposable contains 1000mg Delta 10 THC in a 1 gram rechargeable unit, with less than 0.3% Delta 9 THC.
- Rechargeable Disposable Vape Pen can be charged using a micro USB-B (not included). No need to worry about battery running out while you still have some left.
- 1.0 Full Gram of Premium Delta 10 distillate
- 100% Natural & Hemp-derived
- No detected ∆9THC
- This Delta 10 vape may be stronger than Delta 8 THC vapes
What is Delta-10?
Delta-10 is a cannabinoid found in trace amounts in the cannabis plant. Like regular THC—delta-9—it can get you high, but it is less potent than delta-9. This makes it similar to delta-8, another cannabinoid that is less potent than regular THC. Delta-10 is commonly processed from hemp-derived CBD, as is delta-8. Because hemp is legal all over the US (more on that below), delta-10 is considered legal in all 50 states. However, as with delta-8, certain states have outlawed delta-10 on their own. Delta-10 can get you high, although it is much less potent than regular delta-9 THC. Anecdotally, delta-10 is commonly reported to provide energizing effects, whereas delta-8 is reported to be more sedating.
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