Containing a health-boosting 2:1 ratio of broad spectrum CBD to CBG— two of the most important cannabinoids— this premium CBD + CBG oil tincture also delivers the therapeutic effects of two antioxidant powerhouses, Coenzyme Q10 and Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric.
- 2:1 Ratio CBD to CBG – Broad Spectrum
- With proven antioxidants curcumin & coenzyme Q10
- Proprietary terpene blend for increased absorption and efficacy
- Made with organic hemp, vegan & gluten-free
1 full dropper, taken orally or added to food/beverage. CBDfx Oils are to be taken under the tongue. Place described number of drops mentioned on label under your tongue and hold for 60-90 seconds before swallowing. This allows the oil to be absorbed by your body to receive the best effects.
MCT Oil, Coenzyme Q10, Curcumin, Terpene Complex, Cannabinoid Rich Hemp Extract, Stevia.
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