Our premium A+ hemp flower is infused with over 250mg of Δ8 THC distillate per 1/8 oz! Quality is our top priority, so we do not use any chemicals or solvents during the infusion process. Lab tested for purity and safety.
Δ8 THC is perfect for those people looking for a unique cannabis experience without the intoxicating effects of Δ9 THC. The chemical differences between the two forms of THC are very small but they interact with your brain very differently! Δ9 THC is classified as an agonistic compound, which enhances or replicates the effects your brain is already experiencing while Δ8 THC is antagonistic, which does not. This is very important to those that state THC makes them anxious or paranoid. Unlike Δ9 THC, however, you will not experience some of the negative effects after taking Δ8 THC, including: dry mouth, paranoia, cloudy thinking, and anxiety. Instead, Δ8 THC will produce a mild and clear psychoactive effect, coupled with an uplifting feeling. Also, once the effects die down, you will not feel exhausted or drained.
Smoking delivers cannabinoids into your lungs where it passes directly into your bloodstream and then your brain. The effects will be felt from seconds to a few minutes after inhaling. Quick on-set also means a quick off-set which means your experience will not last quite as long as an edible as the cannabinoids are metabolized much faster with this method.
Recommended Use:
Take out of mylar sachet. Gently grind up the herb. Gently pack it in a bowl, roll it up, mix it with other herbs and enjoy!
Industrial hemp, Δ8 THC derived from industrial hemp.
100% Natural. No harmful cutting agents used.
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