Maximum VALUE + high QUALITY = DeltaX
For Earthlings who are highly conservative with their resource management and want to ensure that each unit of currency expended provides the absolute maximum enjoyment, DeltaX is ideal. You get the essentials – QR coding, full lab testing, high quality extracts and hardware – but the terpenes used to provide taste are sourced naturally from non-cannabis plants, which so-called “terp snobs” may turn up their nostrils at.* If you are new to the galaxy of vaping and want the best-quality low-cost products available, our counsel is simple: Give DeltaX a whirl!
* This is not meant derisively; we sincerely love terp snobs, DeltaX just isn’t for them
Like a unicorn, Bigfoot, or an honest politician on your planet, this cannabinoid has a mythical and near-ethereal aura to it, boasting legendary potency 30x that of delta-9. A small amount enhances the user experience many times over, so savor it like your favorite pancreas-destroying sweet food (“dessert” may be a better word) and enjoy slowly.
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