Kratom Shot (150mg) of active alkaloids using our very own house extract. Each shot has 3 servings. Each shot contains a whopping 200mg of Kratom extract, with 150mg of active alkaloids.
Krabot’s line of Alkaloid-rich shots are made with a special mixture of various extracts, this combination makes for a perfectly blended Full-Spectrum shot. The main extract used is a 75% total-alkaloid, Full-Spectrum extract (give or take a couple percentages per batch). On top of that, we add a tad of isolated Mitragynine, along with orange-colored, mustard-colored, and light-brown colored extracts that have various Alkaloid profiles in order to deliver a true, Full-Spectrum shot.
- 3 Servings per bottle
- Full range of Kratom alkaloids
- High strength
- Great value
- No plant matter, taste or smell
Mitragyna Speciosa Leaf extract, citric acid, and water.
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