This particular white vein has a full range of alkaloids. Compared to Red or Green strains, this white vein is dried a bit longer achieving a slightly darker color. Very popular, our second best white seller, next to white Maeng Da.
- 1000mg per capsule. Most vendors use between 500mg to 600mg.
- High quality
- Fast acting
- Quick dissolving gelatin capsules
- No additives, fillers, or binders used
- Capsule size (000)UV blocking colored capsules and bottles
- DryPack to fight moisture and mold preserving freshness
We blend every batch for consistency, and heat treat (pasteurize) for elimination of microbials. This process also lowers yeast and mold counts if present. We further test every batch for purity, heavy metals, and alkaloid content. If you're looking to buy kratom capsules online you'll want to try our white indo capsules.
Mitragyna Speciosa Leaf.
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