Did somebody say extremely strong gummies? Introducing our Knockout Gummies. These gummies are for the veterans of cannabis and not for the faint of heart. Each gummy packs 150mg of Delta-8 THC and 2.5mg of THCP (comparable to 75mg Delta-9 THC). We created these gummies because we've had a handful of customers wanting something stronger... If you like strong, you'll LOVE these.
Please note that these gummies are EXTREMELY POTENT and we DO NOT recommend trying these gummies if you are a novice to THC or psychoactive effects. If you do decide to purchase these, we recommend starting with 1/4 of a gummy until you determine the best dosing for you. You can always eat more, but never less.
- 150mg Delta-8 THC, 2.5mg THCP (comparable to 75mg Delta-9 THC) per Gummy
- 10 gummies per jar
- Watermelon Kush Flavor
- True Vegan
Suggested Use:
We recommend starting with 1/4 of a gummy as these are extremely potent. DO NOT exceed the recommended serving size.
Water, Corn Syrup, Pectin, Sugar, Citric Acid, Hemp Derived Extract, Flavoring.
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