A great way to enjoy CBD on the go, their CBD Gummies come in a variety of delicious fruit flavors. A burst of flavor combined with a number of health benefits, these gummies are a great tasting way to get all of the benefits of CBD.
Multivitamin – Fruit Flavor Gummies – CBD Multivitamin contains nutrients that may help improve several bodily functions including reproduction, maintenance, growth and regulation of many body processes.
Turmeric & Ginger – Tropical Fruit Flavor Gummies – CBD Turmeric & Ginger have anti-inflammatory properties and act as a powerful antioxidant, as well as reducing joint pain and improve skin health.
Vitamin C – Orange Flavor Gummies – CBD Vitamin C may promote the growth and maintenance of healthy cartilage, bones, teeth and gums, and helps in connective tissue formation as well as immune system support.
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